- On the map of Stołowe Mountains National Park we can see that not all interesting areas are made available to tourists. What are strict protection areas?

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On the map of Stołowe Mountains National Park we can see that not all interesting areas are made available to tourists. What are strict protection areas?


The role of national parks is large scale protection of the environment and natural processes. Depending on the conditions it involves implementation of certain protective measures or ceasing all human interaction in the area. The second scenario is the one that applies to strict protection areas, where the nature is exceptionally protected by not allowing any form of human activity within them. This makes it possible to recreate natural ecosystems.


- Does that include Great Batorowskie Bog?


Yes. Previously the area was being drained and was threatened with eradication, just like it happened with other, smaller bogs. Thankfully, it was given strict protection, and the wetland ecosystem started to regenerate.


Why did the other bogs disappear?


Bog habitats are very susceptible to groundwater level fluctuations. Between 18th and 19th century an attempt was made to utilise the area for planting spruces. To make it possible many of them were drained, and through manipulation of hydrologic conditions they were completely destroyed.


Bogs are not very desirable by humans...


Their natural value is significant, however. Because they were always difficult to navigate through, the natural processes occurring in them were not disrupted. Partially submerged trees or their broken trunks, tufts of grass and sedges rising above water and white flowers of cottonsedges are an inseparable element of a bog landscape. Currently, bogs which were spared from draining are sites where natural processes have continuously occurred for hundreds of years and the study of their peats provides invaluable knowledge regarding the natural history of the region.


Natural processes are the thing that affects the habitat, how was it created, though?


Great Batorowskie Bog is a raised bog, which means that it was formed in a cavity of impermeable rocks – marls, therefore it is completely isolated from groundwaters and is supplied exclusively by rainfall. It is poor in nutrients. This bog type displays a specific structure, having clumps and cavities and being populated by plants of minimal habitat requirement. Peat mass grows every year and is formed of dead plant parts which slowly decompose and transform into peat.


Can any unusual plants be found there?


The most important botanical curiosity in our bogs is mountain pine, which was entered into the Polish Red Data Book of Plants. It is a very rare species and threatened with extinction, and the first documented sighting occurred here. It forms short bushes, as well as trees with one or more trunks. The elaborate shapes seem to represent the force, with which the trees resist the difficult growth conditions.