We observe the first sings of spring. Common snowdrops and spring snowflakes flower on marshy areas. The coltsfoot starts to flower, large buds can be seen on trees and catkins start to appear on willows. The February daphne looks particularly impressive, with pink flowers appearing before the leaves are formed.

Welcome to the official site of the Stołowe Mountains National Park (PNGS) Ecocentre.
Ecocentre is a facility of PNGS for education and exhibition, and organises lessons during which you can learn more about the natural and cultural heritage of the region.
To visit the Ecocentre please book a visit for a specific date and time. See you there!
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Your questions
Conversations with park employees
- The Park protects nature but apparently there are also species, which are not quite welcome. So how does this protection work?
- You probably mean invasive species, ones that do not originate from the area and when they appear they display strong expansiveness. Such species compete with the local ones and...
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- What are the most important attractions of the Stołowe Mountains National Park?
- The most important is clearly the possibility to connect with nature. Although there area 23 national parks in Poland, their total area takes up only about 1% of the whole country. It should be noted that...
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- Although Stołowe Mountains take up a rather small area there are several unusual bird species. Which of them are particularly noteworthy?
- Within the area of the park the presence of over 160 bird species was confirmed. On the national scale it is not a significant value but unusual for the region is the record density of several species and...
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- Even though it is easy to find interesting plants in the Park, encountering wild animals does not happen often happen.
- This is a common occurrence in nature. Wild animals avoid humans and employ various techniques to do that. They can move silently or run quickly run away. Others...
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- The symbol of this region is the so called “Rose of Kłodzko” a plant with yellow flowers.
- It is the local name of globeflower, which blossoms in the second half of May with spherical yellow flowers. Covering meadows in great number it catches the attention not just because of its golden colouration but also...
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- What can we find at Great Szczeliniec?
- The most interesting are the plant species, which adapted to harsh conditions and survived on rocky ridges, small rock ledges, damp chasms and...
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- On the map of Stołowe Mountains National Park we can see that not all interesting areas are made available to tourists. What are strict protection areas?
- The role of national parks is large scale protection of the environment and natural processes. Depending on the conditions it involves implementation of certain protective measures or...
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- Is it true that there is a labyrinth in Stołowe Mountains National Park?
- Indeed, Errant Rocks are often referred to as such. They area a group of rocks forming passes and corridors which resemble a rock city. Through this area, along narrow crevices a tourist trail was established. The natural character...
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- Where did the Park’s name come from?
- Stołowe (Table) Mountains is a name which perfectly describes the landscape here. The tall rocks with steep, almost vertical walls and flat surfaces are called tables...